Chinese words ; xing / yi / quan, all together refers to the main idea of this kung fu style
Xing refers to the form, shape, the posture, stance and different actions.
Yi means intention, idea, wish, desire to project into performance
Quan refers to the fist, punching , strike, hitting
Fundamentally all three words can be translated mechanically as the body mind boxing
Xing Yi Quan which is categorised as internal kung fu , is associated with wu dang kung fu.
According to current historical knowledge, xing yi quan is considered to be created by ancient Chinese army general to train soldiers.
later on xing yi quan had its historical evolution outside military.
Xing Yi Quan forms and practice may vary at different schools, from masters to masters, but the main frame of reference, the structure - skeleton of the form are same.
There are only a few major traditional styles ; Shanxi / Hebei / Henan
Regarding to performance, xing yi quan is based on five elements and imitations of animals.
xing yi quan has forward linear movements, sharp and shock actions, moreover attacks and defences are within the short range, beside having long range movements.
Xing Yi Quan seeks to maximise power, while requires relaxed muscles, relaxed mental state.
Its combat power is to deliver in shortest, most direct way by using the less amount of energy.
As a close range combat skill, it requires delivering explosive force - power and requires flexibility which is not only for physical body, also it is for the mental state.
In addition to five elements punching types , practitioner must develop different animal’s physical skills ( actions ) and moods. therefore majority of actions are based on the imitation of different animals fighting attitude and instinct, which are adapted
All these are not only based on martial and also theory has aspects of traditional Chinese philosophy - culture, traditional Chinese medicine, and ancient army logic
For example ; five elements, which are related to five internal organs for well being - safeguarding, these five elements refer to five energies in terms of Daoist philosophy.
According to traditional Chinese philosophy – culture these five elements are the energy matrix of not only nature, also human anatomy
there are two fundamental training - performance
1. five elements form
2. five elements combination forms
3. eight animals form
bird , dragon, tiger, horse,
chicken, bear - eagle, snake, monkey
4. eight animals form combination
5. xing yi quan weapons ; spear and sword
five elements punching
to chop - split
to drill
to crush
to explode
to cross.
breathing , meditation,
footwork, stances ,
basic punches, kicks,
basic attacks – defences ,
basic counter attacks,
xing yi foot work
kicks & punches
combinations of
attacks & defences,
form applications
xing yi quan sword and spear form
& applications
xing yi is one of the internal wu dang kung fu style, this is one element among five, which is called Pi chuan, splitting / chopping
xing yi - Pi quan, which means to chop or / and split, this style refers to metal element in Chinese philosopy.
xing yi - Zuan quan, as a wu dang kung fu style, means to punch forward like a wave, it refers to water element in traditional Chinese philosophical perspective
xing yi - Beng quan means to crush, it refers to wood element in Chinese philosophy
xing yi Pao chuan, which means to explode, this is associated with the fire element in Chinese philosophy,
xing yi Heng quan, as a wu dang kung fu style, means to cross refers to earth element in Chinese philosophy
xing yi quan five element linked form practice. it is a drill, there are variety of performance, basically it is a combination of each five elements
xing yi sword practice in Dalian city - China - master shan gui wen used to teach in Dalian too - not only Liaoyang city
xing yi sword refers to five elements fomrs and a combination forms of them.
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